Dial-A-Ride Bus Service
The Friendly Bus provides assisted transportation service for individuals age 60 and over. Rides are scheduled by reservation on a first come, first serve basis and should be scheduled one day in advance. The Friendly Bus will pick you up at your home and can take you to the grocery store, medical appointments, errands, etc. around Keene. Home, Healthcare, and Hospice Community Services (HCS) operates this service. To schedule a ride, call (603) 352-8494.
Monadnock Family Services operates the Senior Focus bus, which provides rides to individuals age 60 and over, from Ocean State Job lot in Peterborough, Woodland Heights in Antrim, and Gilmore Court in Jaffrey to Market Basket and Walmart in Rindge. Pick up days and times vary. If space allows, the bus is open to the general public. For more information, call (603) 924-8620.
Regional Volunteer Driver Networks
Community Valley Transportation Company (CVTC) is an organization that relies on volunteer drivers to provide transportation services. The organization provides “no-fee” transportation services to residents in Cheshire County and the Contoocook Valley (Antrim, Bennington, Dublin, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Jaffrey, New Ipswich, Peterborough, Rindge, Sharon, and Temple) for medical related and personal shopping trips. CVTC also provides long distance rides. Reservations must be made in advance. To arrange a ride call CVTC’s toll free #: 1-877-428-2882.
Other Volunteer Programs
Monadnock R.S.V.P’s Neighbors In-Deed program responds to the needs of the elderly by providing companionship and assistance. Individuals age 65 or older and adults with disabilities enrolled in the program are paired with a trained and screened volunteer. The volunteer provides services such as transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping, friendly visits, minor household chores, etc. For more information click here or call (603) 352-2088 or (603) 924-7350. The Grapevine Center in Antrim, NH houses an interesting program called the People’s Service Exchange (PES). The PES is a ‘time bank’ service for people to exchange skills and resources without the use of money. Every one hour of service is equal to an hour of service reqardless of the service. Transportation is a popular service requested due to the lack of public transit options in the region. For more information click here.
The Grapevine Center in Antrim, NH houses an interesting program called the People’s Service Exchange (PES). The PES is a “time bank” of service for people to exchange skills and resources without the use of money. Every one hour of service is equal to an hour of service regardless of the service. Transportation is a popular service requested due to the lack of public transit options in the region.
The Monadnock Time Exchange is another “time bank” service offered in the Monadnock Region. In order to take advantage of the services offered, you must sign up to become a member. You can see what services are currently being offered, including rides, by clicking here.
For a full list of demand response services available in your town, see the Monadnock Region Community Transportation Directory.