Parking management is usually implemented by local governments or individual businesses in response to specific parking and traffic problems. Below is the typical process for developing a
Contingency-Based parking management plan:
> Define general problems to be addressed (parking congestion, traffic congestion, excessive parking facility costs, poor pedestrian environments, etc.) and the geographic areas to be considered.
> Perform the following studies for each geographic area:Parking supply inventory-ID how many spaces exist of each type of parking: public and private, on- and off-
street, short- and long-term, free and paid, etc.
Parking utilization study-ID what portion of each type of parking is used at various times, particularly peak-periods
Supply & Demand Projections-Takes into account expected changes in land use, population, commercial activity, travel patterns, etc. to predict how parking supply and demand might change in future
> Use this information to identify when and where parking supply is or will be inadequate or excessive.
> Identify potential solutions.
> Work with stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness, benefits, costs, equity impacts, feasibility and barriers of each potential solution. Use this information to prioritize these options.
> Develop an integrated parking plan that identifies changes in policies and practices, tasks, responsibilities, budgets, schedules, etc.