Get started!
The NH Department of Transportation (DOT) has established NH Rideshare to help commuters across the state find alternative transportation options. NH Rideshare has a free ride-matching service that can help you find a possible carpool match, identify transit options (if available), find park and ride lots nearby, and map out a biking or walking route. This service is highly interactive and a great way to connect with others across the state and region for a ride to work, school, or to a one-time event!
Within the Monadnock Region, the Community Valley Transportation Company (CVTC) has created a rideboard similar to NH Rideshare to connect residents interested in sharing rides either to work, school, or other routine driving trips. The rideboard is free to join. CVTC offers giveaways such as dinner for two at a local restuarant for individuals that enter their carpool miles on their website.
Worried that your ride might fall through and you will be left stranded?
The Community Valley Transportation Company (CVTC) has developed an Emergency Ride Home (ERH) Program to registered participants in the CVTC Rideshare Program as a personal commuter insurance during an emergency at work. For more information on this type of emergency ride service visit the PATH (Concord’s Program for Alternative Transportation and Health) website.
Where to Park?
There is only one Park and Ride location in the region. This lot is located off of Route 9 at the Chesterfield Gorge State Natural Area in Chesterfield, NH. For a complete list of Park and Ride locations in NH click here.
More about vanpooling…
In addition to carpooling, vanpooling has become a popular commuting option. A vanpool is a group of 7-15 people who commute together on a regular basis in a van. The participants share the cost of the van and all other operating expenses.
VPSI, Inc. is a vanpooling company that leases vans to interested participants and covers insurance, maintenance and repairs and license and registration fees. This is a great way to save money as costs can be split between up to 14 people.