The Swanzey Complete Streets demonstration event took place on Saturday, August 29, 2015 in front of Whitcomb Hall on Main Street in West Swanzey. The event coincided with the Whitcomb Hall Committee’s Annual Chicken BBQ. The event design included the following elements:
> Pedestrian crossings with a landscaped “bump-outs” to make the crossings shorter and safer for pedestrians;
> Pedestrian-scale light fixtures;
> Street trees and native landscaping in the green buffer zone between the sidewalks and roadway;
> Painted shared lane markings, i.e. bicycle “sharrows”;
> Narrowed travel lanes;
> Parallel parking on North Side of Main St in front of Whitcomb Hall; and
> Parklet and rain garden in the green buffer zone between Whitcomb Hall and the Stratton Free Library.
Above: These images show what Main Street in West Swanzey looked like on Saturday, August 29th. The top image shows the street layout for the day of the event, and the bottom pictures show (from left to right) the parklet/lanscaped area, a crosswalk with landscaped bump-outs, and a new crosswalk with a pedestrian crossing sign. The bicyclists in the picture on the right are using bicycles that were borrowed from the Keene State College Green Bikes program.